Does BC Farm & Ranch Realty use the MLS for their Listings?
The most frequently asked question we seem to always get is “Do you advertise on the MLS?” This is such a great question and it motivates us to spread the word! Yes!! We are on MLS! We are an independent Brokerage and we are a commercial/agriculture brokerage, but we absolutely use MLS!
All of our listings go on the Multiple Listing Service and we are cooperating with every other licensed realtor in British Columbia offering approximately 50% of their commission to anybody who can work, who can bring us a buyer.
There are some differences in the way that our properties are listed on the MLS system as we are often dealing with commercial properties, which would then go on the Commercial Listing Service or CLS. As well as commercial properties we will often have House & Acreage, Land Only, etc. and these properties are displayed differently on the MLS. House & Acreage is a category you can search for when searching the MLS. Land Only and Commercial properties require different information to be provided thus requiring different forms. We have the knowledge and experience to use these forms effectively.
We have our own network of industry contacts, our own marketing that really does direct and target acreages to that buying group, but we absolutely cooperate with other Realtors We have a great network of cooperating realtors that we’ve developed relationships with over the last 20 plus years, and can offer our clients full MLS exposure, which gives it not just local but worldwide availability to buyers.
There are times when we have what’s called Exclusive listings, these are properties that the Sellers have made the decision to keep their property off the MLS for any number of reasons. This would be the only case where we would not have a property listed publicly on the MLS. While we do have many listings like these throughout the year, they are not anywhere near as common as our full MLS listings.
Hopefully, this helps to clear up the confusion as to whether or not we are on the MLS! We look forward to working with you when it comes time to buy or sell your own acreage or agricultural property!